Pakistan Heritage Month Declaration

Dear Community Members!
Assalam o Allakum!
With the blessing of all mighty Allah and efforts of Team Salam Pakistan Canada, The city of Ottawa officially declared August as Pakistan Heritage Month first time in history, click link to review proclamation signed by Hon. Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa Mirza.City.heritage.month.certificate
Team Salam Pakistan Canada planned to organize programmes on all Saturdays of August (7th, 14th, 21st & 28th) Mega event, Festival Pakistan & Independence March will be held on Saturday, 14th of August, 2021. Details about all programmes including names of other organizations, partners and groups will be announced later on.
Salam Pakistan Canada (Registered) cordially invites all organizations and groups to join us to show solidarity for community unity. We humbly request to all organization and groups, please don’t organize any parallel programme on given dates and time to make Pakistan Heritage Month remarkable and successful. Salam Pakistan Canada is open to listen useful suggestions by community members, groups and organizations, please write us and subscribe
Note: Volunteer and sponsorship opportunity is available, please step forward to support us.
Team Salam Pakistan Canada
Contact: 613-252-5511
Email: events@salampakistan,ca
This year Salam Pakistan Canada is supporting Kashmir Committee of Nation Capital Region – Ottawa for all programmes relating to IOK annexation/abrogation of articles 370 & 35-A of Indian Constitution. Salam Pakistan Canada, request to all community members to encourage our youth to participate in essay writing competition. Mr. Abid Hussain is co-ordinator of 5th of August programme, his message is attached with details relating to essay writing competition, flyer in jpeg and pdf is also attached for more details. Please click link to view pdf Mirza.Kashmir.essay.21
Please visit Facebook page for more detail
Hi Everyone:
I kindly request you all to share and circulate this email regarding the Essay Competition with your network as much as possible. It is a great opportunity for students to showcase their ideas on this important issue.
Call for Submission — 2021 Essay Competition: “Human Rights Violation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK)”
This essay competition is organized by the Kashmir Committee – National Capital region. The theme, “Human Rights Violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir” is aimed at obtaining students’ views on various peace and security challenges faced by the Kashmiris in IOK. The conflict in Kashmir has gone on for seven decades and for the past two years has become increasingly brutal. This competition is open to all students enrolled in Canadian universities. Submissions will be judged by the content and clarity of the writing and analysis of the situation. Cash prices will be awarded to the best three essays.
For further details about topics, guidelines and prizes , please see the attached information leaflet.
Should you have any questions or comments please contact the Kashmir Committee – National Capital Region at
Really great achievement