Let’s Celebrate 3rd Annual Festival Pakistan Together – NO ENTRY FEE

Mega Event Invitation — NO ENTRY FEE
All community members are cordially invited with families and friends to Mega Event, Festival Pakistan, Programme detail is as follow; flyer is attached:
Date: Saturday & Sunday, 12th and 13th of August, 2023
Time: 11:00 – 7:00 pm (Both Days)
Venue: Lynda Lane Cricket Grouds, 580 Smyth Rd. Ottawa, K1H 8M2
Multicultural Meena Bazar, Variety of Mouth-watering food items, Cloths, jewelry, decorative items, Jumping Castle, water gun, Frisbee, CCUC Capital Cup Cricket Tournament, Mango Festival, Basant Mela, Face Paint, family fun, and much more …..
Small Business promotion Opportunity
We are proud supporters of Small & Home Based Businesses in Canada and are humbly requesting businesses from Ottawa, GTA & rest of cities to join us to celebrate Pakistan’s Independence Day and this festival. It will be a great opportunity to showcase your products & services. We are expecting huge Pakistani crowd as well as people from other nationalities. For stall/booth reservation, please visit and subscribe: https://salampakistan.ca
Live entertainment (2nd Day)
Bangra, Culture Dance, Performance, Quiz, Prizes live Desi Music
Important Note:
- Sponsors needed to make this programme successful
- Volunteers needed Salam Pakistan Canada will give volunteer hours to students
- If some have Allah gifted talent and want to perform, please contact us
- Please wear Pakistan/regional dress in the event and throughout August, bring your own Pakistani/Canadian flags
- Free Entry, Free Parking
- Join us with families and friends, Please circulate this flyer