Grand Opening Of Jamia Masjid Farooq e Azam – Mark your Calendars for Next Friday

Request to join us with families and friends for Grand Opening of Jamia Masjid Farooq e Azam. Here is detail.
Date: Friday, 1st of September, 2023
Time: 5:30 pm (sharp)
Humble Request to arrive early in order to welcome dignitaries.
Location: 240 Sunnyside Dr. Ottawa (Near Bank Street)
Please circulate attached flyer and message within your circle, invite others.
Contact for more details:
Iftkhar Mirza 613-252-5511 Sajid Chishti 613 263 9786 Naqi Khan 613 796 2655 Arsalan Qureshi 613 698 1426
9th Annual Jashan e Milad e Mustafa (P.B.U.H)
Date: Saturday, 23rd of September, 2023
Time: 5:00 (Sharp) – 9:30 pm
Venue: SNMC
3020 Woodroffe Av. S. Ottawa, ON.
Khateeb e Mehfil:
Pir Syed Mukhtar Shah Naeemi sahib
Renowned Naat khawan:
Mukhtiyar Attari Sahib
- Refreshment will be served, and dinner boxes will be distributed
- Sponsorship opportunity available
- Volunteers needed
- Request to arrive a little early
For more details, please visit and subscribe
Thanks Ottawa
Team Salam Pakistan Canada is thankful to all community members who made 3rd Annual Festival Pakistan 2023 a successful event despite challenging weather conditions. We have over 1000 foot traffic in the event on 2nd day only. It was impossible for us to deliver a successful, well attended programme without your continuous support. Please accept our apologies if you notice or feel any deficiency from our end. Here is slid show of event pictures. Here is another highlights of 3rd annual Festival Pakistan: