
Assalam o allakum, honourable friends!
Organizing committee Salam Pakistan Canada thankful to all those community members who registered themselves to get Pakistani Sweet/Souvenir on blessed birthday of our beloved prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)
Alhamad u lillah, our team successfully delivered around 400 sweet boxes at given addresses in Ottawa/Gatineau, we also delivered sweet boxes in few other cities of Canada.
As per our previous emails, we are organizing annual Milad e Mustafa (P,B,U.H.) event online this year. Here are links and details to join us on spiritual evening to celebrate birth of our beloved prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)
Date: Saturday, 31st of October, 2020
Time: 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Prime Canada TV (IP TV)
Facebook: Salam Pakistan Canada
YouTube Channel: Salam Pakistan Canada
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 2334 9769
Passcode: 576396
Please share links within your circle and subscribe our newsletter for all upcoming events, looking forward to see you.
With profound regards,
Iftkhar Mirza
& organizing committee, Salam Pakistan Canada
Contact: 613-252-5511